Business Plan of Asylum Ayurveda (PhytoPharma) MLM
All you need to know about Asylum Ayurveda (PhytoPharma) MLM
Asylum PhytoPharma also commonly known as Asylum PhytoPharma is one of the few companies which have their own manufacturing unit. Add to that, the company is working in R&D in the health and wellness sector.
Important things to know about Asylum PhytoPharma:
- Asylum PhytoPharma has 2 manufacturing units
- Asylum PhytoPharma has provisional Intellectual Property (IP) rights of its own business model.
- The company has its own IP cell.
- Asylum has announced assured High-Level Bonus of Rs 30000 for its active distributors.
- Asylum provided a “magical” upline-downline income bonus.
How to become an Asylum PhytoPharma MLM distributor?
Registering to the Asylum Phytopharma is free. With a free business account, you can get products at a discounted price. But to make money one needs to activate the account.
For activation of the account, one needs to PURCHASE PRODUCTS WORTH 1 PV or 3PV. This comes around Rs 1000 or Rs 3000. There are some very good first-time purchase options that one may utilize.
Rise Up Bonus in Asylum MLM :
- 10% of PV as First Sales Bonus
- 100% of PV as First Sales Bonus
- 10% of Matching Bonus/Business Equity
- 100% of direct spill Matching Bonus
Rank and Qualification in Asylum Network Marketing:
Generation Bonus/ Repurchase Bonus:
Asylum Ayurveda offers the following types of repurchase income:
Self purchase or retail profit (100%), performance bonus (12%), overlap bonus (5%), high level bonus (15%), double leadership performance bonus (15%), upline generation bonus (10%), downline generation bonus (10%), tours program bonus (2%), personality (car) development bonus (2%) and house development bonus(2%).
Below are the details about the Repurchase income of Asylum PhytoPharma:
Self purchase or retail profit (100%):
Asylum PhytoPharma offers buy one get one on its products making the profit as 100%.
Performance bonus (12%):
The company offers upto 12% of differencial income as per the below chart.
Once a distributor achieves 12% income, he or she is known as ICON.
Overlap bonus (5%):
If your direct business leg business crosses 60,000 BV where both you and your direct are both at the level of icon, you will get 5% distributed bonus of turnover BV
High level bonus (15%):
This is a unique plan wherein the highest volume team is considered as one leg and remaining teams are considered as another leg. Matching is done based on this.
Leadership Bonus (10%):
You need to have 2 icons in your team and total of lowest BV should not be less than 25000 BV. In this, a distributor gets the 10% of the company turnover on difference.
Double leadership performance bonus (15%):
A leader should have 4 brand icons and at least 1.5 lac BV generated in one leg.
Upline generation bonus (10%):
This is ahain a unique feature of the plan where one can earn from the income of the upline. In this one gets high level bonus + leadership bonus + double leadership bonus of 5 active upline compressed.
Downline generation bonus (10%):
One gets high level bonus + leadership bonus + double leadership bonus of 10 active downline
Tours program bonus (2%):
Provided to those who achieved 30k capping.
Personality (car) development bonus (2%):
Car fund if provided to those who have achieved 1 Lac in leadership bonus in any 3 months.
House Development bonus(2%):
Provided to leaders who achieve matching of 1.5 lac BV in double leadership bonus in any 3 months and accumulative matching of 10 lac BV compulsorily.
Logo etc are trademark of the respective company. Information provided here is for educational purpose only. Please talk to your financial advisor before investing in Network Marketing.